Using its own established and proprietary methods, Zeftron has culled a number of potential color offerings down to its top 12. Designers are now being asked to vote among these top 12 colors for the ones they feel best meet the future needs of the ever-evolving interiors design industry. Participating in the survey is free and only takes a few seconds at the Zeftron Nylon site.
Designers can select up to five colors and then submit their selections for Zeftron’s consideration. The 12 colors, each depicted in a pom image, range from vibrant brights to organic-inspired to metallic-looking.
Zeftron will also be soliciting input from its mill partners and their product development teams and in-house designers. Collectively, this market input will guide the brand in determining which and how many additional colors to add to its existing 105 color line. Zeftron will not be removing any colors from its existing color line.
The company anticipates announcing its new colors by the fourth quarter of this year. Carpet product introductions with the new colors could be introduced to the marketplace as early as the first quarter of 2014.