CHICAGO — Bretford Manufacturing, Inc.® is continuing its monthly webinar program with the brand new session, “Minds and Muscles: The Link Between Cognitive and Physical.” The free online event will take place on Thurs., Sept. 26 at 2 p.m. EST. It will be led by Tim Springer, Ph.D., founder of HERO, Inc. with panel input from Adam Dovico, director of school implementation at Ron Clark Academy.
Ron Clark Academy is an SACS/CASI accredited, highly acclaimed, non-profit school in Southeast Atlanta that promotes innovation and engages its students through energetic teaching balanced by a strict code of discipline.
“Last month, we kicked off our fall webinar series about the mind and body connection to learning and discussed how the physical space where learning takes place can greatly impact both,” says Cindy Weinschreider, director of marketing communications for Bretford. “There is so much research and so many examples to share on this topic. Educators, architects and designers who participate in this webinar will gain an awareness of body-brain integration, understand how the physical setting affects cognition and recognize how the design of an educational space can engage students – both cognitively and physically – for effective learning.”
“Minds and Muscles: The Link Between Cognitive and Physical” shows how a new understanding of cognitive science expands our view of learning. It explores how brains and bodies work together and the link between cognitive and physical behavior. It also demonstrates the importance of an integrated approach to learning and how the environment plays a crucial role in making this possible.
To register for the webinar “Minds and Muscles, the Link Between Cognitive and Physical,” click here.