Courtesy of Petinovs |
Modern, casual office space with indoor plants.

ICYMI: Inclusive Spaces: Dynamic Office Design for Neurodiversity

Jan. 20, 2025
In this podcast episode, we dive into innovative strategies for meeting non-neurotypical needs while enhancing the experience for all occupants.

In this In Case You Missed It (ICYMI) episode based on a recent article published on the interiors+sources website, we explore how interior designers are uniquely responsible for promoting inclusiveness and meeting non-neurotypical groups’ needs through innovative office design—which can improve the overall occupant experience. Learn how to prioritize inclusivity by accommodating more unique needs while serving the requisites of neurotypical individuals, thereby elevating all occupants’ experiences. 


About the Author

Rose Morrison

Rose Morrison has more than five years’ experience writing about key topics in real estate, building, and construction, including sustainability, technology innovation, and trends that translate to home and commercial markets. She currently serves as managing editor of Renovated.

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