Did you know that not only is March Women's History month but it's also National Disabilities Awareness month?
Mark your calendars because on March 21 at 4:30-5 p.m. EST we'll be hosting our first ever IG Live with two fierce ladies.
Natalie Hartkopf, co-owner and CEO of the Hightower Group, and Jennifer Treter, managing principal of Hendrick Inc., will be chatting it up with i+s Editor in Chief AnnMarie Martin about how they've been creating more inclusive spaces for all and how we can all work together to achieve them. Be sure to log on and submit your questions, which they'll address in the final 10 minutes.
• What's the latest in ADA laws and standards?
• How do we accommodate neurodiversity?
• How do you evolve your design process to address these needs?
We'll dive into all of those topics and more. We will "see" you there!
Date: March 21
Time: 4:30 p.m. EST
Location: @iandsdesign on Instagram