(November, 2006) - A diverse group of design leaders recently gathered to focus on the future, especially for interior design education. Convened by the Council for Interior Design Accreditation (formerly FIDER) in November, the challenge was put forward to consider the forces of change on the profession and, from that, to create a future vision for education. Fortified by a substantial compilation of background material, "Interior Design Trends and Implications," Future Vision participants used consensus about change to consider priorities for education.
The top ranked priorities for the learning outcomes of interior design education in 2009 and beyond are that graduates are able to:
· Think critically
· Engage in a creative approach to problems in applying the design process
· Address the triple bottom line (economic, social, environmental); embracing the social contract and sustainability
· Consider a global perspective or worldview, informed by grounding in the liberal arts
· Become a thought leader in the profession and the community, effectively employing communications skills
· Apply research methods and integrate findings into the design process
· Generate intellectual capital, to innovate
Future Vision was held at the Steelcase University Learning Lab in Grand Rapids, MI. Keynote speaker, Gitte Jonsdatter, research specialist with IDEO's Smart Space practice, launched the event.
The Council for Interior Design Accreditation continues its standards development project through 2008 with numerous opportunities for input from the broader community. In 2009, new standards to measure the quality and effectiveness of interior design college-level programs will go into effect.
A full description of the standards development project and the "Interior Design Trends and Implications" booklet are available at www.accredit-id.org/updates.html.
Project sponsors to date include the ASID Foundation, Gensler,For more information, contact Holly Mattson, executive director ([email protected]) or Kayem Dunn, director of development ([email protected]).