Chicago /PRNewswire/ - A contemporary new professional publication, Chicago Architect, will be launched by the Chicago chapter of the American Institute of Architects (AIA Chicago) this fall. It will debut at AIA Chicago's Designight, the chapter's annual awards event, on October 26.
An attractive four-color magazine, Chicago Architect will be published six times a year. It will highlight and illustrate innovative projects of members, feature interviews with AIA Chicago architects, report on technical developments and on other news of professional interest. The content of the new publication will have public appeal as well.
The new magazine evolved from AIA Chicago's "Focus," its long-time monthly vehicle for communicating with members. Chicago Architect will better reflect the regional work being done in the architectural field as well as the current interests and concerns of those in the profession today. It will also feature significant international work being done by Chicago-area architectural firms.
Chicago Architect will be a cooperative venture with McGraw-Hill, a nationally prominent publisher of magazines for the public and for the trade. The publishing expertise of McGraw-Hill, together with the regional experience and insights of AIA Chicago, will combine to produce a top-notch publication.
Coming aboard as regional publisher is Al Slattery, currently regional publisher and director of sales for McGraw-Hill's ConstrucTion. "Teaming up with AIA Chicago provides a great opportunity to develop a must-read quality regional publication for all those interested in architecture today," notes Slattery. The editor will be Dennis Rodkin, contributing editor for Chicago magazine and former editor of Lake magazine. AIA Chicago's executive vice president, Zurich Esposito, will serve as director of publication.
Contributors to Chicago Architect will include Lisa Skolnik, Ed Keegan, Cindy Coleman, Laurie Petersen and Lee Bey, all veteran reporters on the architecture beat. Bey, for example, was architecture critic for the Chicago Sun-Times. These individuals will serve on the editorial advisory board for the new publication as well. "It is our hope that Chicago Architect will develop into a regional publication on par with the leading national publications in our industry," states Esposito.
Chicago Architect will be printed by Sun Litho, an environmentally responsible enterprise. Sun Litho utilizes vegetable oil inks, recycled paper, alcohol substitutes, water-based press washes, and acid-free paper.
The introduction of the publication is an outgrowth of AIA Chicago's stepped-up communications efforts to better serve its members. The organization is broadening its programs on all levels for both architects and the public. This spring, AIA Chicago moved into new offices in the Jewelers Building at 35 E. Wacker Dr. The new facility, designed by a team of young architects and designers selected in an AIA Chicago competition, provides space in which the chapter can present both public and professional programs. It also serves as a drop-in workspace downtown for AIA members and architecture/design students.
Founded in 1869, AIA Chicago represents nearly 3,000 licensed architects, architectural interns and allied professionals in Illinois.
Source: AIA Chicago (
For additional information, contact Amy Brierly, (312) 576-5100, or Zurich Esposito, (312) 670-7770, both of AIA Chicago.