Green Seal Stretches Roots Back to Earth Day 1970

April 15, 2008

WASHINGTON /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ - Spirited individuals like Denis Hayes and Arthur Weisman have devoted their lives to conservation; and from a practical perspective have asked the question: "How can we sustain the earth?" During Earth Month, their achievements are celebrated while creating new visions to accelerate environmental progress.

Denis Hayes founded Green Seal in 1989 because it was time; time to identify and certify products and services that protect the environment from toxic chemicals, noxious fumes and wasted resources.

Current director of the Bullet Foundation, Hayes is best known for having been the national coordinator of the first Earth Day on April 22, 1970, when he was 25. Internationally, he is recognized for expanding Earth Day to more than 180 nations—making it the world's most widely observed secular holiday.

Dr. Arthur Weissman, president and CEO, joined Green Seal in 1993 from the EPA and The Nature Conservancy. He has moved Green Seal forward during times when "green" products were not as sought-after as they are now. Says Weissman: "We are transforming the planet by transforming the marketplace. Green Seal has made its mark by certifying over 2,500 products and services to its leadership standards. Our goal is to green all major consumer and institutional markets. To place Green Seal-certified products on the shelves of all major retail stores, within easy reach of consumers.

Release of Standard GS-11
In recognition of Earth Month, Green Seal is releasing the new GS-11, Paint Standard Revision. The revised standard has been issued to reflect environmental and technological improvements in paint and is expected to be a groundbreaking new standard in the paint industry.

Earth Day on the National Mall
April 20, 2008, beginning at noon, Washington, D.C. will hold one of the largest Earth Day gatherings in U.S. history-a major day-long event on the National Mall to rally support for national action on global warming. Look for the Green Seal booth on the Mall.

About Green Seal Inc.
The nonprofit Green Seal, based in Washington, D.C., has been identifying products and services that protect the environment from toxic chemicals, noxious fumes and wasted resources since 1989. Using a life-cycle assessment based system, Green Seal is the premier independent EcoLabel in the United States and helps define what "green" really means-guiding consumers and purchasers to make the right choice. Visit to learn more.

Source: Green Seal

For additional information, contact Barbara Hodgson, (310) 915-7123, or Linda Chipperfield, (202) 872-6400, both of Green Seal.

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