Allsteel has launched an interactive marketing campaign designed to gain insights from the A&D community around future trends impacting workplace design and strategy. Industry professionals have the opportunity to snap a photo of themselves, upload it to Instagram or Twitter with the hashtag #createatwork and @Allsteel, and comment about their vision for the future workplace.
“We know the ways people work and the tools used to create and collaborate are constantly evolving,” says Lynda Whittle, vice president, marketing at Allsteel. “This interactive campaign will gather the real-time insights from the A&D community and will help us better assess the current state of the workplace and drive thought leadership and future design innovations.”
At NeoCon® 2013, the commentary and photos will become part of a streaming digital display projected on a 16-foot wall forming a rich tapestry of human-generated ideas and inspiration.
At the conclusion of NeoCon 2013, top themes and ideas from the campaign submissions will be summarized and assertions regarding the community’s vision for the future workplace will be formed. The data will be provided back to architects and designers this fall to help inform and inspire their future design work.
Interested participants can upload a self-portrait with their vision of the future to Instagram or Twitter with the hashtag #createatwork and @Allsteel designation, then visit the Allsteel Resource Center at the Chicago Merchandise Mart, 11th floor #1120, during NeoCon 2013 to see the live campaign feed.