A Tale of Two Covers

June 10, 2013
<span style="background-color: #ffffff;"> <p>Put down your phone. There&rsquo;s no need to call your eye doctor and make an appointment to up your prescription. Yes, the May cover of&nbsp;<em>Interior Design</em>&nbsp;is eerily similar to ours. And we were just as surprised as you. But unlike that&nbsp;<em>other</em>&nbsp;May cover, you saw ours in MAY. So we&rsquo;ll do as our mother&rsquo;s taught us: if you don&rsquo;t have anything nice to say let others say it for you.</p> </span><br />

Put down your phone. There’s no need to call your eye doctor and make an appointment to up your prescription.

Yes, the May cover of Interior Design is eerily similar to ours. And we were just as surprised as you. But unlike that other May cover, you saw ours in MAY.

 So we’ll do as our mother’s taught us: if you don’t have anything nice to say let others say it for you.

Here’s a recent post by our friends over at the KB Resource blog. KB-Resource.com is a kitchen/bath site that features a growing community of designers, showrooms, architects, product developers and other professionals who want to stay up to date on products and services. See how they've evaluated this tale of two covers:

We receive hundreds of magazines in our offices each month. That’s no exaggeration. When thousands of print and digital publications are published each month, there are bound to be creative similarities at times. (There are no new ideas, right?)

But the covers of Interior Design and Interiors & Sources are a little too close for comfort: They both depict the spray-painted mural by El Mac in Adobe’s new corporate campus in Utah.

A coincidence? Uh, no. I don’t believe in coincidences, and it’s certainly no accident this time, according to “sources.” (But I’ll let that topic go.)

Interiors & Sources beat Interior Design to the punch by publishing this cover first. So why didn’t the Interior Design team see the other cover and change its plans? This may cause some confusion when both issues appear at the NeoCon show in Chicago. Attendees and subscribers may make the mistake of thinking they’re the same magazine.

To read the rest of the post, click here. http://www.kb-resource.com/blog/two-covers-too-close-for-comfort/

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