Concept Statement:
The dissonance between cognates of a digital, divine existence and the envelope that is tangible, Earthly suggests release. Allowing occupants to receive the sky, the faceted structure of a diamond as an artifact for making a web that acts as a channel for light to pass through Tiffany & Company’s space celebrates bridging the paralleling retail spaces. Anachronism (the crux of retail) is selling a moment in time, illusions of the future. Yet, what is causing this anachronism? Giving language the weight of concrete things, the duality between light-weight construction and mass challenges the experience of becoming the flux between classic and iconoclastic within the streets. Building skin, an infinite porch, challenges how interior, spacial sensations harmonize with the positive and negative articulation of the enveloping, exterior mass, which manipulates light to frame views and experiential qualities. Challenging the central node, the apertures within the curtain wall absorb darkness, paralleling the interior spaces that the central mass frame. Supporting a swelling opposition (digital space) that challenges affinity towards a structured datum (physical space), the filigree construction of the occupiable curtain wall juxtapose to the stereotomics of the city block question materiality as edges, while considering syncopation within a primary armature.