Boxer Property announced that its historic Hurt Building has been awarded LEED-EB Platinum certification, making it the oldest commercial office building to achieve this rating. Additionally, the Hurt Building was awarded the TOBY award for Outstanding Historical Building of the Year, in Atlanta.
Already the first commercial office building to achieve LEED-EB Gold and BOMA-360 certifications in the state of Georgia, this LEED-EB Platinum certification further demonstrates that Boxer Property has a team committed to operating a sustainable building that defies standards. The Hurt Building is among one of a small group of LEED-EB Platinum buildings over 100 years old.
“The Hurt Building team in conjunction with Servidyne’s LEED accredited professionals worked together to acquire our LEED-EB Gold Certification and we were thrilled to work with them again to modernize the building’s internal infrastructure, making it more energy efficient to achieve LEED-EB Platinum,” said Shannon Westberg, Hurt Building property manager.
The Hurt Building is a key member of Central Atlanta Progress (CAP) and the Atlanta Downtown Improvement District (ADID), organizations helping to bring downtown to the next level with game-changing initiatives and programs, like the Atlanta Better Buildings Challenge (BBC).
Launched by the Department of Energy in February of 2011, the BBC initiative aims to accelerate private sector investment in energy efficiency and encourage commercial building owners to make their properties 20 percent more energy efficient by 2020.The Hurt Building has already met this Better Buildings Challenge.
“In early 2012, Boxer Property acquired the Hurt Building and has since invested millions of dollars into renovating the historic landmark,” said Joe Aubin, Boxer Property regional director. “We couldn’t be more proud of the achievements accomplished with the Hurt Building.”